Editors: Sergiu Groppa and Sven G. Meuth
This new contribution to Springer Protocols deals with all kinds of techniques in neuroscience. For me it was really fun to contribute two chapters and to edit the book together with my friend and long-term collaborator Prof. Sergiu Groppa (Mainz University).
The book includes 4 major chapters starting with “Pathophysiological Fingerprints of MS and Related Neuroimmunological Disorders”. A group of friends and experts in the field contributed articles on autoimmune-mediated neurodegeneration, animal models of neuroimmunological disorders, white matter pathology, grey matter affection in MS, the role of glia cells in MS and on CSF and blood biomarkers in autoimmunity and neurodegeneration.
Chapter 2 is dedicated to “Animal models of Neuroinflammation” and describes spontaneous mouse models, murine models of chronic disease progression as well as electrophysiological techniques and methods to characterize brain network activity in rodents.
Chapter 3 “Translation of Functional Domain Abnormalities from Human to Mice” deals with pathophysiological changes in motor and somatosensory systems, described deficits in cognition as well as disease-related impact for anxiety and depression. In all articles authors bridge the gap between mice and men and aim to show the way to translate findings from bench to bedside and vice versa.
Chapter 4 “Exploring Translational Paths in MS with Brain Imaging: Small animal to Human Imaging Tools” summarizes most recent findings in structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging.
I really hope you will enjoy reading this book.